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New fulfillment center in Southern California

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BayWa r.e.’s subsidiary BayWa r.e. Solar Systems LLC, a leading US solar wholesale distributor, continues its US expansion by opening another fulfillment center, this time in Southern California.

Rancho Cucamonga, California, is a prime arterial location for quicker transit times to better serve the many active and prospective solar installers and contractors in the region. Boaz Soifer, CEO of BayWa r.e. Solar Systems LLC, said, “Our strategy is not to have a huge number of warehouses. But California is an important area for us. In the past few months we have expanded our sales presence in the state, which has led to a better understanding of customer needs and to increased sales volume. Now we are following with expanded logistics coverage to help our customers more directly with inventory management and planning.”

The new location will officially open and begin shipping to customers on October 17th.

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Misty Chioffe
PR contact Americas
BayWa r.e. AG
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